01276 423 155
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Understand It
At Trade Protect, we will help you to understand the cover that you are purchasing, so that you can make choices that are right for you.

It is common for the purchase of Construction-related Insurance to fall under the following three areas:

  • There is an obvious need for it (i.e Public Liability Insurance)

  • It is a legal requirement for it (i.e Employers Liability Insurance)

  • A client insists that you purchase a certain type of insurance, sometimes at a certain level of cover

  • We will work with you, to assist you, in the effective and competitive purchase of a suitable policy(ies). If we feel that your client is being unreasonable in their demands for certain insurance products, we will work with you during your client discussions in this regard, and provide you with the assistance/information which you require to help your client understand.

    We will also help you to understand the value that you will receive from your chosen policy(ies). Although, few companies enjoy paying for insurance, if we can assist you to understand the cover and protection which you are receiving, we hope that this will make the premium a less bitter pill to swallow.

    We hope that our assistance will also help you to make good balanced decisions in your insurance purchases.